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Products and service.

Polyester - 500.100
Polyester with conductive fibre. Following sizes are available: 500.100.10 - S 500.100.20 - M 500.100.30 - L 500.100.40 - XL 500.100.50 - XXL

Polyester with PU - 500.200
Polyester with conductive fibre and PU-coated inside layer following sizes are available: 500.200.10 - S 500.200.20 - M 500.200.30 - L 500.200.40 - XL 500.200.50 - XXL

Polyester with PU knobs - 500.300
Polyester with conductive fibre and PU knobs inside following sizes are available: 500.300.10 - S 500.300.20 - M 500.300.30 - L 500.300.40 - XL 500.300.50 - XXL

Polyester with PU-coated inside - 500.800
Polyester mounting gloves with PU-coated inside layer following sizes are available: 500.800.10 - S 500.800.20 - M 500.800.30 - L 500.800.40 - XL 500.8000.50 - XXL
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